Working with Jeff was transformational. I did not expect to be so profoundly changed.I realized I had more than a solution, I had a totally new option and the resourced I needed to live life at the next level. This has been the best thing I have done for myself and extremely worth it.

Jeff was very easy to work with. I immediately felt calm and comfortable. I now have the courage and confidence to live life as I choose, no longer held back. The techniques we used were all natural and the  results are permanent lifestyle changes. I have worked with other therapists and did not have the exceptional results I was able to achieve with Jeff.


July 24, 2010Pat Costello, NLP practitioner and Success Motivation coach.
I am looking to re-connect with a coach who made a significant difference in my life many years ago. He dropped out of sight a while ago, and even our mutual contact Steven Feldstein doesn’t have current information on him. Did you own a printing shop and give success workshops in the 1980s? Are you the Jeff Noble I’m looking for?

Pat Costello, Oceanside, NY

Hi Jeffrey. I hope all is well. Thank you for the session last night, I really needed it. In my life I created ways to cope with and suppress past hurts and things I just didn’t understand. At first it was difficult to get inside my hand but as I move through other part ls of my body it became easier. The most significant part of last night’s call was when I went back to conception and moved forward through to the present. On that journey I revisited past hurts that I had blacked out and didn’t allow myself to remember with love. When I opened my eyes, so many tears. I say thank you again

Veronica Noel, Brooklyn, NY

Good day Jeffrey,  Jjust wanted to drop you a few lines to tell you that I appreciated your program last night. You are becoming oneof NLP’s greatest proponents. This reminded me very much of the healing that you did for me 18 or 19 years ago, after my cancer surgery. Thanks again for allowing me to be part of the program. Best always

Franco, Virginia

In 2002 I was preparing for my wedding day. My husband-to-be and I had a couples session with Dr. Jeff & I felt very positive about the outcome to be accomplished by the session. Not long after my fiance had relapsed back to drug use. I was devastated. You see I’ve been through relapses with him before but never in the midst of planning for our wedding, in particularly in the face of so many who were sacrificing to make our wedding day special. So yes I was overwhelmed with grief. I expressed to my wedding planner that I felt I was going into a depression. I couldn’t think of any reason to laugh or smile. I didn’t want to come to church which was a first for me since attending St. Paul in 1996. I didn’t even want to get out of bed. Right then she suggested I visit Dr. Jeff, I was hesitant because I thought no one could help me get out of that rut, but I was desperate so I went. Upon entering his office & sitting down I related to Dr. Jeff the whole story, he told me he’s not a therapist that will make me feel good for a period of time, he stated “I am a healer, “when I heal you, you’re healed.” Dr. Jeff began working the negative energy off of me and after about 15 minutes I began thinking of the disappoints that brought me to his office and I didn’t feel sad anymore, it bugged me out. I began laughing and Dr. Jeff asked me “what are you laughing about” I told him I can’t think of a reason to feel said anymore. He said “that’s how it works.” He then began using his crystals to put positive energy back in me. I have been healed ever since. It was such an amazing experience. That’s when he became Dr. Jeff. I asked him “how much I owe you,” he told me “just tell people of my work.” I would tell anyone who would listen.


Dear Jeff,
You were a God sent in my life. About two years ago, I was experiencing emotional and mental distress in my life. I was just going about day to day in psychological pain. There were days when I did not want to get out of bed. After your first 15 minute energetic healing session over the phone I felt much better. I felt lighter and that night I slept like a baby.

After a few follow up sessions in person, which involved energetic healing, NLP and life coaching I felt like a new person. The emotional hurts, limiting beliefs and negative self talk became things of the past. God was using you to transform me into the woman and leader He wanted me to be.

Your healing work has also greatly impacted the dance ministry. I have the priviledge to serve as leader to the Unity Dancers of the St. Paul Community Baptist Church for two years. We are dance ministry of about 50 women. I have incorporated many of your healing techniques into the ministry and it helped us to become a powerful ministry. We instituted the 15 minute weekly Divine group healing phone call. The calls have been a tremendous blessing to the group at large and to each individual. We also added energy healing to our monthy traditional prayer sessions. When we dance, people see God’s light and anointing coming through us immensely. It’s not just about performing dance steps, we now truly minister because the healing work has made us clearer and lighter.

There is no way to put a cost on the value of your healing, teaching and coaching work. It is truly priceless. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.


Can’t wait for the next session to implement the EFT techniques into my life. – Thanks & Peace


Thank you Elder Noble…this morning – though EEEEEEEAAAARRRLY – was a wonderful experience. I’ve been suffering from Sinus issues/allergies since January…however today, as we were meditating in silence, I felt my nasal passages draining – not running or anything gross, but clearing up…first the left then the right…I wanted to test and see so I didn’t take my medication this morning. And I’m still clear @ 6:34pm, Praise the Lord, for Healing power. Thank you, thank you, Thank you!!!


I really feel amazing after our session yesterday. I haven’t felt like this since I was a very small child! Thank you so much.

Emilia Ortiz

Dear Dr Jeff, I cannot find the words to express my gratitude towards you for that wonderful gift. I feel like I was imprisoned for a million years and you came and set me free. I can’t believe myself being able to find the words so easily and effortlessly. I felt so much power in your presence. I wish I could stay there forever. For the first time in my life I feel I can accomplish absolutely anything, even the so called impossible. Dr Jeff you are a man of God. I can only imagine how many souls you have set free after all these years in this field. Than you is not enough but it’s the only one I can find so far! May God prosper you in all of your ways.


Working with Jeff was transformational. I did not expect to be so profoundly changed.I realized I had more than a solution, I had a totally new option and the resourced I needed to live life at the next level. This has been the best thing I have done for myself and extremely worth it.

Jeff was very easy to work with. I immediately felt calm and comfortable. I now have the courage and confidence to live life as I choose, no longer held back. The techniques we used were all natural and the results are permanent lifestyle changes. I have worked with other therapists and did not have the exceptional results I was able to achieve with Jeff.